Kempo Karate Helps Your Children Protect Themselves

lego toy representing child in armor

Did you know that a child is abducted or missing every 40 seconds in the United States? Most potential abductors make their first contact with the children they abduct within a quarter-mile from their home? With summer approaching and children having more time to play with friends during the day, it is more important than ever to start and continue giving your children the tools they need to protect themselves. Here are a few things you can do to protect your children:

  • Never leave young children unattended anywhere and have older children practice a buddy system with their peers.
  • Teach your children their full name, your name, your address, and telephone number.
  • Teach them how to dial and use 911 or your equivalent emergency number.
  • Teach your children about strangers, to never talk to strangers, and never to go near strangers.
  • Teach your children to avoid getting into cars or vans with strangers, even if the stranger insists their parents said it was okay.

Give your children the confidence, strength, defense skills, and mental awareness they need to defend themselves. If they ever find that they are in a shady situation with either a stranger or someone they know, their training in Kempo Karate will help them fight off the assailant. Enroll them in a Kempo Karate class. Lessons can make all the difference.

Training Kempo Karate can give your children several vital skills that will help them defend themselves against a possible abduction and help them in other areas of their lives, such as school, team sports, malls, and parks. At our San Diego martial arts school locations, we use Kempo Karate as a tool for child development. Our Ninja Kids program uses skill-based activities to enhance a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social skills. We don’t create master spies or special force combatants. Instead, we help each child develop through their stages of life. Our program works on balance, cooperation, focus, and many other developmental skills, which pay off as they grow up.

Kempo Karate Increases Confidence

Kempo Karate can help your children increase their confidence by giving them the skills and practice needed to hone their minds and bodies. Children will understand their actions and options and trust their instincts regarding danger. Kempo Karate training also develops the training and abilities they need to defend themselves if attacked and confident in their ability to defend against a full-grown adult. Trust in their training and self-esteem helps them become less likely to fall prey to potential abductors’ persuasions. Confident children appear to be able individuals and are less likely to become victims of violent acts.

Kempo Karate Increase Strength

Kempo Karate training uses the entire body during each session. Your children will be conditioning their whole bodies to become healthier, more agile, and physically fit. If they are healthy, children increase their chances of fighting off or getting away from an adult abductor. Furthermore, regular physical exercise can help decrease obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in your children.

Kempo Karate Teach Self-Defense Skills

Rest assured, Kempo Karate training teaches skills that your children can use for self-defense should the need arise. The various techniques taught in Kempo Karate can give your children the knowledge they need to handle many situations and give you the peace of mind you need to know that your children can protect themselves.

Kempo Karate Improve Mental Awareness

Training Kempo Karate is not a mindless activity. Learning requires complete concentration and focus. This concentration will also carry over to all parts of your children’s lives to help them be more aware of themselves and their surroundings. They will be less likely to just “zone out” and be caught off-guard in a potentially dangerous situation.


These points deal with different aspects of your child’s growth. We use the concept of teaching children skills through games that foster and improve child development: the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social. Being fit is physical. Knowing the skills and confidence is intellectual. Control of fear is the emotional aspect. And working in our San Diego Kempo Karate school with their peers develops their confidence in social settings.


  • Bryan Bagnas

    Master and Founder of Golden Leopard Kempo Martial Arts School, teaching Philippine Combatives, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, Combat Kickboxing, Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and Self-Defense to San Diego students for over three decades.

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