Yeahbuts and What Ifs: A Student’s Excuse Not To Learn

crazy signs

How many times has an instructor had to hear, “Yeah, but what if…?” I understand the reasons for asking. The student wants to know how to address other similar situations. However, it’s interpreted as disrespectful to the instructor. Learn the current lesson to understand the later class.

Why don’t some instructors address the “What ifs”? Each technique you learn defeats one (or more) attack. The what-if situations vary from the presented attack. Most students do not understand the process of learning martial arts–you must know one step at a time. You can adapt your techniques to suit the situation when you achieve enough of a repertoire.

At that point in your career, it will be appropriate for you to ask, “What if…”

The A-B-Cs

Several notable masters use letters of the alphabet to describe their techniques. This alphabet system relates to their concept of adaptability. If each technique is a letter and letters make words, you can make words of methods. Once you can make words, you can fit them together to make simple sentences. After a few years of study, you can converse in this language of techniques, adapting your vocabulary to hold the conversation.

This speech analogy is similar to children learning to speak. First, they must learn letters and words. Then, they put words together to form awkward sentences. Finally, they can communicate using these words in infinite situations or subjects. This development is how martial arts training develops free flow.

Language of Music

In his five-volume work “Infinite Insights of Kenpo, ” Grandmaster Parker relates techniques to musical notes. This analogy works along the same lines as language; each musical note strings together to form melodies, which create songs. Like random conversations, you use basic rules to formulate songs. Kempo techniques can also be improvised following a basic set of rules.

Each note has complimentary notes that form cords, which have associated cords that sound together and develop melodies and harmonies. You play many notes simultaneously to create an orchestra of music.

How to Eat an Elephant

The famous question, “How do you eat an elephant?” perfectly expresses this concept. You complete large projects one step at a time. Training is accomplished one step at a time; there is no other way. Internalizing physical movements and mental tactics takes time. Though considering “What ifs” is a crucial development stage, do not lose faith in the training when it doesn’t meet your expectations. There is a purpose for this systematic method of instruction. It works best. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You can’t take the last step first.

I’m still confused

Don’t question a technique to death. Ask a question to understand, then do. You can’t have a technique for each of the infinite possible situations. You can only have strategies for a range of applications. Vilfredo Pareto is famous for coining the concept of 80/20. You can complete 80% of the work with 20% of the tools or skills. We can’t know 100% of the fights you will have. The art can only teach you the best 20% of the moves to handle 80% of your conflicts.

You can practice and develop a repertoire to adapt to unique situations. Practice the mechanics of the technique. Learn to know your opponent’s body and reactions intuitively. We must internalize and honestly know our basic skills to handle complex situations.

In a sense, four punches, four kicks, four blocks, and four stances are all you need. The foundational elements are the basis of the entire art.

Train hard. Train often. Train with intent.


  • Bryan Bagnas

    Master and Founder of Golden Leopard Kempo Martial Arts School, teaching Philippine Combatives, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, Combat Kickboxing, Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and Self-Defense to San Diego students for over three decades.

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