Colored belts are a tradition from the earliest times of martial arts history. Hmm, I think not. The colored belt ranking system is a recent […]
Category: Leopard Pause
A regular newsletter about enhancing your martial art training with theory, concepts, training tips, and descriptions of Golden Leopard Kempo and martial arts in general.
Forms for Thought
Form, set, kata, and pinan help you train in martial arts. The word form is the best word we have in the English language to […]
Ghestalting: Remember Your Kempos
“I can’t remember that technique!” Do you recall saying this? Does your instructor show you the technique again, and you say, “Oh, I used to […]
Forms in Practice
Practice your forms. Whether they are called kata, sayaw, set, or dance, you must use them in your training. The old masters developed forms as […]