The Hidden Value of Antiquated Techniques

antiquated books

Many people have heard the phrase, “Throw out what doesn’t work, keep what does.” I have seen many martial artists stop practicing or teaching certain “older” techniques because they think those methods are antiquated. These older techniques involve situations or things that are no longer common in the modern age.

However, you never know when you’ll need them. It may not be in your lifetime, but a future generation of masters may benefit from this knowledge. Retaining this knowledge leads to a deeper understanding of your martial arts tradition. You can apply these techniques to modern life by finding the right relationship.

This search is why weapon training is valuable. Most of the classical weapons are outlawed. However, the principles apply to other implements. In Okinawa, the early masters developed weapons from farming tools, an art called Kobudo. The Okinawan people utilized weapon-use principles to these devices and formulated defensive weapons.

In Western cultures, kneeling is not commonplace practice in the community or at home. However, you can use the kneeling moves with sitting, heavy crowds, and kneeling. “Seiza” and “siriwaza” are great for developmental exercises. They improve leg flexibility and leg strength. It also emphasizes the correct use of the waist.

They were learning about armor penetration and such. Early Okinawan Te developed to defeat the armored Japanese invaders. These early masters synthesized techniques and power to penetrate or destroy the armor of their attackers. That same information is effective against modern armor such as flak or leather jackets. Who knows if plastic alloy armor is in our future? Of course, it’ll protect against modern weapons. What if its weakness is a simple, mighty fist of Karate?

We don’t want to reinvent the wheel when the genius of our ancestral masters has developed the techniques for us already. Such kata a Channan has been lost because too few people knew it to pass on. Maybe, it would be advantageous for teachers to be more liberal with the rare katas. It’s sad how many superb katas are lost every year as aging masters die.

Pass on the hidden or advanced material more quickly than prior generations because things will be lost otherwise.