Technically correct targets are not immutable. Our curriculum is made up of techniques with prescribed movements and targets. Many students ask me the dreaded “what […]
Month: August 2009
Personal space and overcoming fear
Kempo or any martial arts practiced for the purpose of self-defense requires the violation of personal space and boundaries. This means someone will be very […]
Grow a Little Bonsai
The bonsai tree was made famous in martial arts circles by the movie “The Karate Kid”. Mr. Miyagi had a room full of these tiny, […]
31 Flavors of Shaolin Kempo Karate
On the Shaolin Kempo message board (sponsored by Yahoo! Groups and moderated by Golden Leopard Kempo), an interesting question was brought up years ago. Below […]
Half Knowing is Not Knowing
Just knowing a bit of a technique or recognize it doesn’t mean you “know” it at a competent level. This is a key frustration for […]
The Bad Guy Weapon
In the modern day, you are rarely armed when attacked. Between gun control laws, air port security and knife limitations, we don’t have many options. […]
Kempo in Action 5
Here is a real life example of how one of my students actually used a technique in an actual bully situation. “James” vs. the BB […]
3 Things to think about before you get mugged
There you are, at night, on a dark street with two thugs pointing a gun at you. They want your money and jewelry. Is that […]
Energy as a Visual Tool
The term “energy” has several meanings often conflicting. In terms of Kempo, we should consider the scientific notion defined as: “In physics, energy is a […]
Kempo in Action 4
Here is a real life example of how one of my students actually used a technique in an actual mugging attempt. “David” a man waiting […]