Philippine Combatives – Arnis

Charter school of Philippine Martial Arts Alliance

The Philippine Combatives™ style of Martial Arts consists of weapons (practical weaponry) and empty-hand training (practical self-defense). Its style is based on the different systems of Philippine fighting arts combined to help you better understand the wonderful world of Filipino martial arts (FMA). The Philippine Combatives™ is not a personal style developed by Guro Melegrito; it is an expression and interpretation of one of the deadliest, most practical fighting systems in today’s world… the Philippine Martial Arts of Arnis!

Arnis includes hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, and weapon-disarming techniques. The style is great for increasing capability in close combat, hand-eye coordination, reaction times, dexterity, brain function, depth perception, agility and stability, and practicality for defending yourself from weapon attacks. At True Martial Arts, students practice Arnis with one or two 26-inch sticks, open hands, short sword and dagger, long bo, and long swords.

Arnis is a formidable close-combat martial art because of its progressive nature. The techniques flow from one to the next, inflicting more damage and gaining greater control of the opponent with each sequence of movements.

Arnis helps to develop hand-eye coordination, which can result in enhanced athleticism and more efficient daily performance.

Arnis develops quicker reflexes and reaction times, which is important for self-defense. Being able to react quickly helps detect, block, or evade an attack.

Keeping our palms and fingers in good working shape is important for function in performing the many tasks we complete with our hands. Arnis is a proven activity that can help dexterity by strengthening and increasing the range of motion in our hands and fingers.

Arnis is a mentally stimulating activity that helps to build up brain function. Many Arnis drills require pattern memorization, ambidextrous thinking, and quick thinking.

Arnis helps you to see the world in three dimensions by giving you a refined sense of effective angles of attack and defense. Depth perception refers to your eyes’ ability to judge the distance between two objects. It helps people perform simple, everyday tasks, like safely crossing a busy street or taking the stairs without risking misjudging them or stumbling.

Your training in Arnis will focus on footwork drills to develop useful movement, work conditioning, and strength. With dedicated practice, you will notice a significant improvement in your agility and stability.

An intricate part of Arnis training is the techniques used to eliminate the threat of an opponent’s weapon, which provides real-life practicality for defending yourself from weapon attacks.

Our school is a charter member of the Philippine Martial Arts Alliance (PMAA), and Master Bagnas is a personal student of Grandmaster Melegrito. Join us for great training at our school or with the PMAA family all over the country and the Philippines.

This is a martial art you can stick with.


  • Bryan Bagnas

    Master and Founder of Golden Leopard Kempo Martial Arts School, teaching Philippine Combatives, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, Combat Kickboxing, Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and Self-Defense to San Diego students for over three decades.

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