My Spare Brain: Tips to Improve Your Memory

Spare Brain

During my studies in Cognitive Science, I delved deeply into the intricacies of human cognition, memory, and thinking. We explored how simple tricks can enhance memory, how visual illusions can deceive the brain, and much more. The field is a captivating area of study and research. However, one question posed during class left a lasting impression on me: “What’s the best way to improve our memories?” The professor responded simply yet profoundly: “Write it down.”

The Power of Writing

“The most effective way to improve memory is to write stuff down, then read it later.” – Sifu Bagnas.

Human memory is inherently fallible and needs support to function optimally. That support comes in the form of pen and paper. Writing things down and reviewing them later is an unparalleled method for retaining information. The act of transcribing the memory of a lesson into coherent words and lists significantly aids memory retention. This process, known as re-encoding, reinforces the material in your mind. Repeated practice and review further solidify this encoding, making it the best strategy for memorizing information.

The Importance of Notebooks

Notebooks are arguably the best tools ever invented for memory enhancement. To maximize their effectiveness, it’s crucial to jot down notes soon after each class. Avoid letting more than a day or two pass before recording your thoughts. Write down everything in a stream of consciousness. Don’t worry about censoring or formatting at this stage. This free-flowing approach often triggers additional memories and insights about the class, which you should also document, even if these thoughts come to you days later.

Organizing Your Notes

Once you’ve recorded your initial notes, take time to organize them. Rewrite them to improve clarity and add simple drawings if they help you understand the material better. Tailor your notes to your personal style of learning and memory. People have various ways of storing and organizing information, so find what works best.

Continuous Improvement

Revisiting your older notes and adding new comments or insights is useful. If your instructor makes a relevant comment about an old technique, incorporate this new information into your previous notes. During your review, if you have thoughts on how the material relates to other concepts, record those as well. Your notebook should be a living document, constantly evolving with your understanding. Don’t hesitate to update it with new ideas; it’s meant to be a workbook, not a static archive.

Personalized Techniques

Everyone’s memory works differently, and not all techniques will be equally effective for all people. Experiment with different methods to find what best enhances your memory. Writing things down is a powerful tool, but combining it with other strategies, such as mnemonic devices, visualization, or teaching the material to someone else, can further boost your retention.

Share Your Tips

What tricks do you use to remember things? Share your methods in the comments. Your insights could help others improve their memory, too.

While human memory may have limitations, employing effective techniques such as writing things down can significantly enhance your ability to retain and recall information. Embrace taking notes, organizing them, and continually updating them to create a robust memory system that supports lifelong learning and personal growth.


  • Bryan Bagnas

    Master and Founder of Golden Leopard Kempo Martial Arts School, teaching Philippine Combatives, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, Combat Kickboxing, Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and Self-Defense to San Diego students for over three decades.

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