Intent: The Leopard’s Game Face

Leopard intent

Have you ever watched a nature show that follows a big cat as it stalks its prey? Something is mesmerizing about a leopard creeping slowly towards its target. Look at its face. You see intent—intense, unwavering intent. By looking into its eyes, you know it will strike if given the slightest opportunity. There is little doubt in its mind about what will happen next if the gazelle is slow.

This intent is not just about desire or want; it’s about absolute commitment and focus. In the same way, you can control any situation through your intent. When you encounter an aggressive person on the street or a bully, you must focus on the situation and form a deep, intense intent. This is not merely about physical readiness but mental preparedness. I’ve avoided many fights by projecting my intent to defend myself without restraint. It sends out vibes or signals into the conflict area. Once the bully senses your intent—through your body language, your eyes, or even the energy you emit—he often backs down. Intent is a powerful deterrent.

The Power of Intent in Martial Arts

Intent is a defensive tool and a powerful way to execute your strikes. For instance, you must think “break” to shatter a brick. You must have intent. If you harbor doubts about your abilities or are distracted and unfocused, you won’t be able to break the brick. The focus of intent is like a laser-guided missile. You can accomplish anything if you have unwavering intent.

This concept is fundamental in martial arts. You must do so with full commitment When executing a punch, kick, or block. Half-hearted attempts lack power and effectiveness. Intent transforms a simple movement into a devastating strike. It channels your physical and mental energy into a single purpose, enhancing your performance and impact.

Cultivating Intent

To harness the power of intent, you must cultivate it through practice and mindfulness. Here are some steps to develop strong intent:

Visualization: Before executing a technique, visualize it in your mind. See yourself performing it perfectly and achieving the desired outcome. This mental rehearsal prepares your mind and body for success.

Focus: Eliminate distractions. When training or facing a potential threat, concentrate solely on the task at hand. Focus all your mental and physical energy on your objective.

Commitment: Be firm in your commitment. Intent is a commitment to do what you are thinking. Whether in training or in real-life situations, commit to your actions fully.

Breathing: Controlled breathing helps focus your mind and body. Deep, deliberate breaths can center your thoughts and enhance your intent.

Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment. Mindfulness allows you to remain calm and focused, which are essential components of strong intent.

Intent Beyond Martial Arts

Intent is not confined to martial arts; it applies to all areas of life. Whether pursuing a career goal, academic achievement, or personal improvement, intent can drive you to success. Establish a clear goal, commit to it, and focus on it with unwavering intent. This mindset makes you unstoppable.

Intent, focus, and commitment are the three ingredients for success in conflict or challenge. They allow you to achieve great things by channeling your energy and efforts towards your goals. By mastering the power of intent, you can control situations, execute tasks precisely, and achieve your objectives.

Ready to unleash your inner warrior and harness the power of intent? Join our martial arts classes and learn how to focus your mind and body toward achieving your goals. Sign up today for a trial session and discover the transformative power of intent. Your journey to becoming an unstoppable force begins now!


  • Bryan Bagnas

    Master and Founder of Golden Leopard Kempo Martial Arts School, teaching Philippine Combatives, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu, Combat Kickboxing, Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and Self-Defense to San Diego students for over three decades.

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